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Articles on Identity in christ

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Articles on Identity in christ

Which reward means more to you, the approval of man or the approval of your Heavenly Father?

If we believe that we are made in God’s image, that of a multi-faceted God, then our differences display His majesty and glory all the more.

God illuminates darkness so we can see, and then equips us to be shining lights to help others out of their darkness. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

Light and Dark: A Devotional Study on Light

Darkness helps us see our need for light—to see our need for Jesus.

Dr. Robert Jeffress on what we can learn about contentment from Paul.

Saint Patrick chose to reject “victim-hood” and self-centeredness. Instead, he embraced the way of the Cross, carrying on the redemptive mission of...

Our security comes from God’s unconditional love despite our unloveliness and sinfulness.

Christian martyrs are a testimony of faith and obedience not only to our visible world but especially to the spiritual one.

We are a world divided by a multiplicity of ideas, values, beliefs, preferences, dreams, and expectations. And yet God calls us to live in unity.

Live in victory rooted in Christ, no longer paralyzed by fear.

The second Person of the Trinity took on flesh in order to save us from our sins.


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